Recent Content by lehuongly

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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    Ðề: Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft Cháu rất cảm ơn bác vì đã dành thời gian giúp cháu review bài essay của mình. Cháu dự định học ngành kinh tế ạ. GPA của cháu: Grade9: 9,1 Grade 10: 8,5 Grade 11: 8,7 SAT I: 2010( cháu vừa thi lại tháng 10 nhưng chưa có kết quả) Về các trường...
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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    Ðề: Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft Dear Mr vha08, I really want to pump up my family contribution to to $10,000/ year but my parents say that the max they can contribute is $3000/year. I know that with only $3000/year it is very hard for me to be accepted by the schools I love...
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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    Ðề: Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft Dear Mr vha08, Thank you a lot for your taking time to read my essay and help me improve it. However, I think that my essay is a little bit long so can you please give me some advice on how to make it more concise?. Thank you a lot.
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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    Ðề: Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft Dear Mr Vha08, Can you help me check my new essay? BECAUSE LIFE IS NOT JUST TO TAKE My childhood was full of memories with my dearest grandfather. In my heart, he was the sage who never ceased to bring...
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    NVL - Admission Essay Help

    Dear Mr vha08, Could you please post other successful essays on this website so that we can learn more from those great students?
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    Pediatrician - Bác sĩ nhi đồng - Gates Millenium Scholarship's Winner

    Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if they: Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian Pacific Islander American** or Hispanic American Thưa bác vha08, Theo cháu thấy ở thông tin trên thì học sinh Việt Nam không đủ điệu kiện để apply đúng không ạ.
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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    Dear Mr vha08, Thank you a lot for your kind encouragement. I will try my best to rewrite my first essay and I hope that you will continue to give me useful advice during my application process.
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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    Essay Dear Mr.vha08, This is my new essay, I know that it is very long but I hope that you can help me review it and make it more concise. Thank you a lot. I am a normal girl, born into a normal family, enough to be raised as a healthy daughter and sent to a good school...
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    Ly Le - Admission Essay - First Draft

    thank you Cháu chào bác vha08 ạ, Cháu rất cảm ơn bác vì đã dành thời gian giúp cháu review bài essay của mình. Sau khi tìm hiểu thêm vầ cũng nhận nhiều lời góp ý, cháu quyết định viết lại 1 bài essay mới. Vì cháu muốn học ngành kinh tế nên có lẽ cháu sẽ viết về 1 kinh nghiệm để chứng tỏ cho...