Ðề: Diện vợ chồng
Minh cung co xem qua DC giong anh Thanh..nhung tai sao ox minh lai dua cho minh dia chi nay,nen minh phan van kg biet co chinh xac kg hoi lai anh.National Visa Center.Attn
R 31 Rochester Ave:Suite 100.Portsmouth>Nh 03801_2914...Dia chi nay anh Thanh co biet kg?
Information about the DS-3032
Choice of Agent and Address Form
Unless an adjustment of status in the United States is requested, after approving an immigrant visa petition filed in the United States, the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), fOlwards it to the National Visa Center (NVC) where the State Department's immigrant visa process begins. Ifthe petition is for a visa applicant whose priority date is not likely to be reached in the next year, the petition will be stored at the NVC until that priority date is reached.
When there is an immediate visa available or likely to be available within the next nine months, NVC will send a letter enclosing the Choice ofAgent and Address Form (DS-3032) to all ofthe applicants with a few exceptions. The DS-3032 will not be sent to the applicant when an attorney represents the applicant (and the USCIS file contains the appropriate designation that an attorney has been retained) or when the visa applicant will be the adopted child ofthe petitioner.
The DS-3032 permits the applicant to name an agent to receive correspondence from NVC and requires applicants still interested in immigrating to tell NVC where to send mail about their visa request. The letter tclls-the applicaatthat-they may choose someone, including t..lte petitioner or a non-profit organization, to be their agent or they may elect to continue to receive the correspondence themselves. The applicant must complete and sign the DS-3032 and return it to the NVC before processing can continue. Given the difficulties often encountered with international mail, we encourage applicants to seek an agent with a U.S. postal address.
So that you, as the petitioner, can understand any questions that the applicant may have about the DS-3032, we have enclosed a copy ofit for you. While only the applicant can sign the DS-3032, you may send or fax a copy ofthe enclosed form to the applicant, ifyou learn that he or she has not received it. The applicant can then complete, sign, and return the DS-3032 to NVC. The mailing address for the
DS-3032 is:
National Visa Center
Attention ACL
31 Rochester Ave., Suite 200
Portsmouth, NH 03801
For more information about the State Department's immigrant visa process, please visit the Department of State website at
www.lmmigrantVisas.state.gov. Or you can contact NVC as shown on the following page.
NVC Case Number: HCM2012589028
Dia chi anh Thanh dua ra dung voi DC nay,,vay sau khi hoan tat hs VC minh goi theo dc nay ha anh Thanh.Cam on anh nhieu nhieu nhe.hihi,lam phien anh cung nhhieu..