Family-sponsored: During the past fifteen months, the level of demand for numbers in the Family-sponsored preference categories has been very low. As a result, the cut-off dates for most Family preference categories have been advancing at a very rapid pace, in an attempt to generate demand so that the annual numerical limits may be fully utilized. If demand for numbers should begin to materialize cut-off date movements may begin to slow or stop.
Dominican Republic: Continued heavy applicant demand for Dominican Republic numbers is likely to result in the oversubscription of this chargeability in June. This would cause the cut-off dates for the Family second preference categories to be earlier than those which apply to most other countries.
Employment-based: Applicant demand for Employment Fourth preference numbers remains very heavy. It is likely that a cut-off date will need to be established in an effort to keep number use within the annual limits. Depending upon number use, this action could occur as early as June.