And the WINNERS are ...


Leadership is not about to be the "Boss".

My elbows are propped up on the table while my half lidded eyes face the front. Everyone else around the room is in similar states of lethargy – one lady is fiddling with her keys, another man is doodling on a scrap of paper and others are picking at the hems of their sleeves. The committee heads stand at the front of the room. Their voices drone on for eons before the meeting gets down to business. Systematically, we each stand up to give our report. With each person, the race towards June gains a little more progress. Then the baton is handed to me and I stand up to present my report.

Last year, I volunteered to be the entertainment and activities chair for the Highline Relay for Life planning committee on behalf of my Key Club. It was the first year in which the position was not shared with another person. I made the mistake of assuming the preparations for entertainment would be similar to the preparations from the year before. It was not. Not only did I not have another person to help shoulder the work, but the people I had come to depend upon for planning out the event's entertainment and activities had already graduated. My confidence in the success of this aspect of the event was shaken from the start. I began the preparations last November feeling lost.

Nonetheless, I had taken up this mantle and it was a job I intended on doing as best I could. Half of Key Club worked with me and the other half fund raised money for the event. Though I tended to be one of the more reserved members, this was not true for the rest. My fellow club members were boisterous, talkative and their attentions switched from business to gossip at the blink of an eye. They were extremely hard to control and even harder to make focus. Once when the club split to discuss their respective parts in the Relay, silence reigned for five minutes. To encourage discussion, I asked them what activities they think other people would enjoy. A few minutes of excited suggestions were flung at me; my pen nearly flung out of my hand with how fast I had to write to keep up. Yet, the brain explosion was short-lived and the group soon fell back into its silent state of apathy. One of the fund raisers yelled something to one of my group members from across the room. Shouted replies soon sailed back and forth as more and more joined in. The club meeting quickly descended into chaos and the number of people whose attention I had in my grasp dwindled to two.

The two who stayed with me took on the harder task of gathering performers. Hearing their progress reassured me enough to trust them to be able to work without supervision. As for the rest of the group, I switched tactics in January. I realized that my group was just not suited to sitting down and talking, discussing or communicating unless I facilitated. It just wouldn't work because they would be talking to me and not to each other. In the end, I took the hodgepodge of ideas and refined it with some help from our club adviser. When all the logistics and details were figured out, all that was left was to get the activities going on the day of Relay. My group responded much better to being told specifically what to do, when to do it and how to do it. I left the organizing of activities to those who did not contribute to the planning and it went as smooth as one could expect of teenagers with an endless supply of energy.

From November to when the event occurred in June I tried my very hardest to not get angry. I had to force myself to redirect the mounting frustration before it turned into rage. I had to learn how to be understanding, patient and gentle at the same time. It was incredibly difficult and more than once I wanted to quit. Leading a group isn't easy. Sometimes it's frustrating. Sometimes it's exasperating. Sometimes the urge to cry or scream is overwhelming. Sometimes you join the group in getting sidetracked without realizing it. Sometimes it's productive, but more often it is a chaotic scramble to find something for the group member who has nothing to do before he wanders off into their own daydreams. Leading a group isn't about being at the head of everyone else; it's a constant balancing act between so many spinning plates that focusing on one will make all the others topple. It's about directing and nagging and watching and guiding.

Written by: PLV - Edited by: vha08

- Schools applied: 4
- Accepted: 4
- Chosen school: University of Washington - Direct department accepted: Foster School of Business

- Tuition & Fee: $9,250 per year
- Financial Aid offered:
  • - FAFSA = $5,500/year
  • - State Need Grant = $4,714/year

- Scholarships:
Total scholarships applied: 16
  1. - UW scholarships total = $7,751. Renewable
  2. - Boeing Credit Union = $2,500 x 4 year
  3. - Wells Fargo Bank = $1,000
  4. - And counting


Ðề: And the WINNERS are ...

My family moved to a new house after all my parents’ business plans went awry; my mom therefore had to leave her family for Korea to work when I was just a third-grade kid. I was depressed for months and nothing could compensate for the dolor caused by my mom’s leaving. One year later, Dad followed my mom’s footsteps. I was dumb with the naked truth; I tried to keep my tears from weeping when seeing them off at the airport, but I was unable to conceal when I was at home all alone. From then on, I lived with grandma and my younger sister and the new chapter of my life story has begun.
Perhaps it is the very lack of parenthood that exerted a profound influence on my life. I became reticent and undemanding. . I came back home after class to help my grandma with her housework in lieu of hanging around with my friends, appeased my little sister with cartoons, funny stories and sometimes a stroll. Every time she asked when mom and dad would return home, I tried to divert the conversation and hold back my tears. I could not let her see me crying because of missing mom and dad, since I knew I was the only moral support that she could rely on while waiting for my parents to come home.

My mom returned home after six years in succession not seeing her children. It went without saying how happy I was, but the void of my dad was yet to be filled; and for that, to a certain extent I was the backbone of my family. Growing up fatherless, I had to stay strong and try to move into being a good man. The time whenever it came to the Lunar New Year was embedded deeply in my recollection. While other kids were enjoying the atmosphere of the most anticipated traditional holiday of the year, I was dissembling all the heavy windows of the house to rub them off then re-assembling them again. I took the place of my dad to do all the strenuous work for my mom – from driving again the loose nails to whitewashing faded walls, or climbing up the roof to replace damaged bricks. I knew that I could have hung out and had fun, but seeing my mom sweating to wash my clothes, I just could not stand. On the first day of the New Year, when my friends gathered at entertainment centers, I stayed with my mom to help her prepare for the ancestral altar. Although I missed all the fun of my childhood, but there were things far more meaningful to me – that is to be with my mom and help her ease life’s burdens.

As I and my sister grew older, our dad slowly drifted away from us. He committed adultery with another woman and no longer wanted to come back. I could not but ran back to my room and knelt down to pray God for saving my mom from weeping buckets every night. My faith was shaking and I was lost with no direction. At school I could not keep my mind focused but fall into despair all the time. Only when I got bad grades did I realize I had wasted a lot of precious time while the graduation exam was drawing near. I tried to get over my dad. I understood that I was the only source of encouragement that my mom had, and there was an only way to help her feel life was more meaningful – that is to study well. I worked twice as much diligently as I had done before, revising what I had missed and applying it to my exercises. Many times I was bound to give up because of many adversities, but I told myself to keep moving forward whenever I thought about my mom and her sacrifice. I asked my friends and my teachers how to tackle with the most thought-provoking questions. Step by step, I recovered my balance and earned good grades, passing my graduation exam with flying colors before being admitted to a high school for the gifted in my city, which is a dream of many stellar students. Looking at my mom’s face being alighted with pride and happiness, I could not feel relieved more.

Sometimes my friends asked me about my life in the past and I just smile and say nothing but I always remember how my childhood has gone. It was not easy at all for me but I feel thankful to life for giving me the fortitude to live with it. Now I am standing on the threshold of my life. I am eager to seize the chances and control my own life in the way I want. I can’t wait until the day when I graduate from college and embrace my mom in elation. I am ready for knowledge and challenges, because the world is awaiting me.

Written by: xxx - Partial rewrote & edited by: vha08

- International student applicant:
- Some rejected - some accepted
- Best offered - Colby-sawyer
***Cost of Attendance = $47,000
*** Financial aid package = $38,300
*** Family contribution = $8,700

Congratuation xxx


Ðề: And the WINNERS are ...


Everyone around me was out of breath. Sweat dripped down my face and my heart was beating as if I had just run a marathon. I had never danced so hard in my life. As I walked off stage, I felt like I was about to faint. Soon, my fatigue went away and my energy came back. I was able to run on stage along with 30 other team mates to retrieve the one thing we had all been fighting for: the first place trophy. [She used her final victory as an opening statement, let the reader wondered how did she get it]

“Battle Fest New Schoolz” is a competition where dance crews all around the bay area come together and compete for the title “Champions of Battle Fest New Schoolz.” My dance crew, MVPSJ, went through months of training which required sweat, tears, and pain to get ready for this event. From April to mid-June, we had practices every weekend for twelve to sixteen hours each week. It took three weeks to refine and polish a choreographed routine. Our director always urged us to “keep pushing [ourselves],” and we did because we all wanted one thing: victory. Everyone in my dance crew and I showed up to all of the practices, endlessly worked hard and limped out of the studio sore and tired each evening. Close to the day of the event, we had hell week where we practiced from four to nine every weekdays and ten to six on weekends. By the end, I felt like my body was about to give in, but I never gave up. Competition day, June 12, 2010, arrived - the time was finally here.

Watching the other competitors perform made us nervous and feel like we didn’t have a chance to place, but we still kept our heads up. For six minutes, we all poured our hearts out, danced with passion and determination to win, and show off all of our hard work. Anxious to see if we placed, it was time to announce the results, and we heard the words: “...and first place goes to...MVPSJ!” We all ran, jumped, and yelled on stage. There were tears of joy, sighs of relief, and hugging everywhere. Our efforts had paid off. Proud smiles lit up on everyone’s faces as we held the trophy in the air.

When I want something, I will do nearly anything to get it without giving up. I felt honored, lucky, and proud to be able to share this accomplishment with everyone in my dance family who share the same passion and love as I do for one thing: dance. We were all hungry to get better and perfect ourselves. Giving up time with friends was the price I paid to show up to practice and get work done. Even when my body was in pain, my sole focus was victory and I went for it. If you want something, you have to go for it. I did, and it felt incredible. Dance is in my soul and with it I will continue to grow.

M. H. - Edited by: vha08

- Schools applied: 6
- Accepted: 4
- FAFSA = $2500
- Best financial aid package: University of San Francisco = $18,000
- 509 plan contribution: Remaining cost of attendance

*** Congratulation M.H.
The WINNERS of 2012 are ...

Chào anh Kenny Phạm,

Em viết thư này báo tin cho anh cùng chia vui với con trai em ,cháu đã nhận được một số kết quả ban đầu khi apply vào các trường bên Mỹ.
-trường Elmira College cho total 35000$(đây là trường safety của cháu)
-trường Ithaca College bước đầu cho merit-scholarship 15000$, need-based còn đang đợi kết quả.
-University of New Hampshire
-University of Maine (2 trường này đã được admit nhưng đang chờ học bổng)
Cháu còn đang chờ kết quả từ 5 trường nữa anh ạ.
Gia đình em chân thành cảm ơn anh nhiều lắm, anh biết không ông Director of Admissions của Elmira College còn viết thêm 1 lá thư viết tay khen bài essay của cháu nữa ạ(cái này là nhờ sự giúp đỡ của anh đó ạ).
Khi nào biết hết kết quả chắc em và cháu lại phiền bác hỏi thêm các thông tin khác .
Chúc anh và gia đình luôn khỏe,vui và gặp nhiều may mắn trong công việc và cuộc sống.

Cháu mừng cháu đã thành công xin học vào các trừong đại học Mỹ và nhận đựoc nhiều học bổng của trừong cho. Chúc mừng gia đình 2 em. Làm cha mẹ ưu tư lớn nhất là mong con cái học thành tài. Ngày cháu học thành tài sẽ là ngày vui mừng nhất không riêng gì 2 em, mà ngay chính tôi cũng sẽ rất là hãnh diện.

Các em học sinh hãy lấy bạn này làm gương. Cậu trẻ này dù bị bịnh trong mùa tuyển sinh, vẫn cố gắng viết đi, viết lại bài essay nhiều lần (6 lần thì phải). Bị tôi la mắng không tự ái, không buồn lòng, vẫn cố gắng viết cho đến khi tôi cảm thấy vừa lòng. Cha mẹ làm lụng cực khổ, hy sinh mọi thứ cho các em ăn học để có tưong lai tưoi sáng. Các em chỉ cần cố gắng tận sức mình, đừng có lừoi biếng hay tự ái. Thành quả các em gặt hái đựoc, các em có thể tự hào và nói câu này "I did it".

K. I am very proud of you. Congratulations to you and your parents.
K's essay

When I was little, I really loved Scooby Doo. It was my favorite cartoon character because it could talk, walk and solve mysteries with Velma, Shaggy, Daphne and Fred. But most importantly, it was the only dog that I was not afraid of. Since I came to Bulgaria, I had bad encounters with dogs chasing me for nothing. Because of these experiences, I developed a phobia of dogs which terrorized me for a long a long time. In fact, I once screamed when a puppy barked at me.

Vietnamese people are notorious for eating dogs and there a lot of stereotype jokes about our predilection for dogs. However, I am not the typical Vietnamese and I have always rejected an offer to taste a dog. Moreover, when I tell my friends that I do not eat dogs and am scared of them, they all laugh and ask ‘Are you sure you are Vietnamese?’.

Two years ago, I was just going back from my advanced Math class and was just 80 meters away from my flat. While I was walking through the street, a pack of dogs standing 5 meters to the right barked at me, thus I ran like a chicken which was going to be slaughtered. Consequently, the pack ran after me and one of the dogs made me trip. Luckily, there were some people who drove the dogs away. Therefore, I was injured severely – not so much physically but mentally. So much that I did not want to leave my apartment and I even made my dad to drive me to school the following days. As a result, my mother decided to help me and she gave me some advices to overcome my fear. But still I was afraid of dogs. So I only hoped that I won’t meet the dogs ever again. But it happened. Two weeks later I was going back from school and the pack was there.

It was me against them. This was it. But no, I forgot all the advices that my mom told me. I thought that I was doomed but I still remember one – be calm and do nothing. I said to myself ‘Wow really useful, but still better than running and screaming. Well, here goes nothing. ’ As I almost them, my heart started pounding expecting that one of them would bark but no reaction from them. I thought that everything was going to be fine when I passed them, one of them barked really hard. And then my heart pulse reached an impossible rate. However, I still maintained my ‘poker’ face and when the dog stopped barking, I felt a big relief that nothing happened. After that I returned to my flat feeling like I have conquered Mount Everest.
After passing the path of hell, I have finally defeated one of my biggest phobias. Since then I knew what to do when dogs try to chase me. An anonymous person quoted ‘Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing’ and I definitely think that he or she is right.

Try to use your own conclusion. Remember the purpose of admission essay is: for the schools to get to know you more, beside your grades and test scores. It is best you write about your trip to Vietnam, where you participate in Trai He (Summer Camp). Many students learned their first real life experiences from the summer activities such as summer camp, summer works, and/or the volunteer program.

When I went to Vietnam last year, I learned a lot about the country, and surprisingly, a lot about myself. I was visiting the area for the third time, but everything about this visit was different and new to me. I was not a little child anymore and I was travelling alone and volunteering at a youth summer camp.
(Introduce your trip to Vietnam. What did you plan about this trip? What did you plan to do? Your emotions-your feeling about travel alone – were your parents worry?
Before this visit, I did not really know much about Vietnam. To that point, Vietnam seemed to be a place of noisy motorbikes, hot weather, and lots of people, although it was my motherland. I had spent most of my life in Europe and knew little about everyday life and the local culture. [This part should be in your introduction] The other participants in the camp were just like me - Vietnamese teenagers who live and study outside of Vietnam. It was interesting to learn about their adopted homelands, cultures and seemingly minute but fascinating details such as an authentic recipe for German sausages and a few Cambodian words. We went on several trips exploring historical places in Vietnam and its traditional cuisines.
[Who and what bring you to the Summer Camp? Did you visit your relative or did you visit any places before you join the summer camp? And why did you participate in the summer camp?

1 - I was not only a student but also a teacher.
You need to go into detail your activities at the camp such as: What did you teach the children: language, game, sport, field trip or any activities that you play with the children?
2 - Voluntary work we did at a center for disabled children.

During the camp I was not only a student but also a teacher. I got to know almost all participants and learned how they live and adapt to their new home countries. Some of them shared they hang out primarily with other Vietnamese and I asked ‘Why not with the locals’. They replied that they either felt uncomfortable or shy around native people. Therefore, I told them ‘In Rome, do as the Romans do’ and gave them advices how to integrate with the locals. Some of them acted on it and later they told me that they are not shy anymore among other natives and hang out with them much more often.
The most rewarding experience while being in the camp was the voluntary work we did at a Center for Disabled Children It was not much larger than our apartment in Sofia but sheltered several times the number of people in our household. I was overwhelmed by the fact that even though some of them were deaf, blind or had a mental problem, they all laughed, sang and played just like us. [good][What did you do at the Center for Disabled Children (CDC)?] I realized that with a bit of help people, especially children, with disabilities can have relatively normal lives.
Before our group left, we gave farewell presents to the children. When I handed a small wooden whistle to a little girl, she cheerfully thanked me and hugged me. I felt a tear drop down my cheek and right then I knew I will treasure the moment forever.
The time spent in the summer camp was a life-changing experience for me. [What did you learn from the summer camp & the trip visit to CDC?] I felt truly blessed to be healthy and have such a wonderful family. But I also realized that one way to achieve happiness is to do the most with what I have and not feel sorry for circumstances out of my control. Furthermore, I learned that with courage, persistence and determination I can face and overcome the adversities and difficulties in life.
This is how the story of your trip to Vietnam going to flow.
Planning for the trip --> arrive Vietnam --> join the summer camp --> participate in teaching (what) to the children --> visit Center for Disabled Children --> what did you do at CDC --> time to go home --> what have you learned from your trip to Vietnam.

...trại hè nhưng cháu nói thời gian ở trại hè rất ít có 4 ngày nên để miêu tả rõ các hoạt động trong trại hè cháu thấy khó quá. You don't need to be in the summer camp long time to gain experiences. All it need is a moment, and you can learn a lot. (Cháu nhà em bị ốm sốt) This is not an excuse. All it take is a 45 minutes to write a 500 words essay from your real life experiences.
Subject: Nhờ bác xem giúp.
Hello Mr.Pham,
I am T's son who is going to apply for universities in the U.S and I am really grateful that you will offer your help during my admission process.
I know what I am going to write in my application essay but do not know how to. Hence, I will need some assistance from you. I will present you my ideas in this e-mail and I hope you can help me.
I am looking forward to hearing you.

My ideas:I will start my essay by stating that I did not really know much about Vietnam before my visit last year.For me Vietnam was noisy motorbikes hot weather and lots of people.And my trip to Vietnam changed me.When I was there I participated in Trai He and did a lot of voluntary work and saw orphans and disabled children. As a result, I was grateful that I wasn't one of them and in future I want to help them by donating money.

My other idea is the same as the first one except that I want to write how Vietnam progressed so fast- when I got off the plane in Saigon I saw big flashing bilboards,tall buildings,luxurious cars and motorbikes and people having the lastest gadget and during my trip I learned more about our history.As a result, I knew better about my country and this changed me.Before that I did not want to live there but now if I get a undergraduate degree in the U.S I will definetly spend the rest of my life there.

I - Introduction
Let begin your story by introduce you to the reader, and how you feel about the trip travel alone.
(I was born in Vietnam, but I was raised and grown-up in Bulgaria. Although, I have visited Vietnam twice with my mother but I did not learn much about my motherland. However this time, my parents allowed me to travel alone (What is the purpose of your third trip? Is there a reason that your parent let you travel alone? Are you excited? Or you travel to participate in the "Summer Camp?"

II - Body paragraph
Introduce the summer camp to the reader.
- What activities did the summer camp provide?
- What did you do? Who did you make friend to?
- Did you encounter any problems and how you learn to solve them?

III - Conclusion
What did you learn from the summer camp? And your conclusion's opinion.
KT Final Essay

Three countries, four airports, two continents and twenty four hours later, finally, here I am, standing by myself in the heart of my motherland, Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam. It takes a lot of times, begging, even a fake short hungry strike to convince my parents to allow me a four days trip to participate in "Trai He Vietnam 2010" a short summer camp sponsored by the goverment for the young Vietnamese youths, who were raised and living abroad. I was born in Vietnam and spent most of my childhood in Bulgaria. Through books, magazines, and video, I envisioned Vietnam as a dusty, noisy, and very hot place. Although, it is only a four day trip, I hope that I could learn a lot more about my country.

Six o’clock in the morning on the first day, every camper is gathered for a short orientation, and each is given a t-shirt and a name tag. Meanwhile, a caravan of multi-color buses are waiting by the road with the engine running added to the unbearable noise of Vietnam’s early morning activities. First we arrive at the Uncle Ho’s Memorial and Museum in Ho Chi Minh City. While browsing through the museum, a reporter from the local TV station interviews me. She asks me to be part of her documentary film. Reluctantly at first, but the thought of being seen on television is overcome. Other people watch and laugh as I answer her questions nervously with my lousy Vietnamese. Lunch is served with “Banh mi”, a Vietnamese sub-sandwich. We then go to the Center for Disabled Children which is as big as my apartment in Sofia but shelters several times the number of people in my household. As I play and sing with the children I realize that even though they are deaf, blind or autism, they can still lead relatively normal lives. The buses return to the camp around Five’s, we have dinner with steamed white rice, “Thit kho” a sautéed pork in earthen pot and “Canh chua” a sweet and sour soup. The two traditional dishes, all Vietnamese are proud-off. Lying on my bed, I wonder what we are going to see tomorrow.

The second day, our group visit a small shop that makes “Non La”, a simple style conical hat made from palm leaf or mat. As I walk in the workshop, I see only five people working. Their hands go back and forth so fast like a machine weaving fabric. One worker in the shop teaches me how to weave a small hat. When I finish weaving, it looks like Papa Smurf’s hat. Everyone is laughing. Leaving the hat shop, we go to a very old temple was built in 1919 to worship the General Tran Hung Dao, who victorious over the Mongolian invaders in 13th century. On the wall of the temple contains a series of bas-reliefs depicting the General’s successes, carved dragons, and miscellaneous ancient weapons.

The third day, we wander in an open market, similar to a flea market, where people buy everyday groceries and yet, everything is fresh, including meat and fish. Our schedule is to have a vegetarian dinner at a Buddhist temple name Giac Lam. The menu consist of: Grape fruit peel skin salad and deep fried shrimp paste on sugarcane for appetizer. The entrée come with: fresh water prawn simmered in light sautéed tomato sauce, lemon grass fried fish, stir-fry mixed vegetable, salt and pepper pork chop, and tofu soup. With the entire fancy names for the main dish, but the ingredients is bean-cured, no real meat or seafood in the food. Desert is served with “Che” a Vietnamese sweet pudding. No wonder, a lot people in the world are vegetarians.

At the farewell camp-fire on the forth night, food from many countries is brought to the potluck party. Gifts are exchanged. Emails are given. This trip is a life-changing experiences for me. Not only that I learn my country’s history and culture, I also meet many new friends from all over the world. I have a chance to taste traditional food from Germany, and learn a new Hungarian dance style, and sing a New Zealand folk song, and greeting in French, but most importantly, I have a wonderful time and an unforgetable summer vacation.
2014 Winners

My Passion

When my sister bought the Sims 2, a life simulation video game, I spent hours designing and building houses instead of actually playing the game. I became engrossed in planning out all of the details for each house I made, from the landscaping to the color of the cabinets. It wasn't enough though, I wanted my designs to be more avant-garde. It was when I was researching ways to do this that I discovered design engineering. Design engineers can design city layouts, rockets, computers and so much more. Except, the only difference from what I was doing was that their creations weren't just for personal entertainment, they were functional, versatile systems of technology. This idea of aesthetically pleasing innovation got stuck in my brain.

To learn more about engineering and what engineers do, I took the Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing class at the Puget Sound Skills Center in 2012. The class was unexpectedly unconventional as learning was self-directed. I eagerly took advantage my time to learn as many CAD (computer-aided design) programs as I could. I thought, the more programs I learn how to use, the more ways I could be able to create and design. When I was learning how to use AutoCAD, I heard a loud whirring from the back of the classroom and followed it to find a large, black machine with a window too high up for me to see. My instructor told me it was a 3D printing machine and listed off various details about it. I was instantly amazed. I heard of 3D printers before but had never seen one in real life. For almost 30 minutes, I stood precariously on a small brick and watched with fascination as the machine poured out hot plastic to create a tool layer by layer. Inspired, I rapidly mastered AutoCAD and several other CAD programs and designed hang gliders, fans, and weirdly shaped cubes. I even obtained my certification for AutoDesk Inventor, another CAD program. Watching those creations come to life as they were printed out, I was becoming more enraptured with design and how 3D printing could bring our ideas to life.

Now I am just blown away whenever I learn about new advancements in 3D printing. Instead of the hulking machine at PSSC, people can buy a 3D printer the size of a microwave. Ideas can now be brought to life at research facilities and at home. The potential of 3D printing is so vast, that I can't help but want to become a part of realizing its full potential. I started taking more science classes, and used my high school culminating project to design a house and refine my technological skills. The Sims 2 was just a hobby but it introduced me to the innovative and stimulating field of design engineering. By continuing to study it, I hope to learn more about 3D printing and explore its potential applications to improve my community and society.

Written by: Michelle Pham
Reviewed and edited by: VV & vha08

Schools applied
  1. UW - University of Washington - Accepted - total aid awarded: Full ride - Direct engineering school accepted and accepted to UW STAR program.
  2. UCLA - University of California Los Angeles- Waitlist
  3. UC Davis - Accepted - Aid $10,000 renewable scholarship
  4. UC San Diego - Accepted - Financial aid to be determined upon accept school's offer
  5. UC Irvine - Accepted - $4000 guaranteed per year plus invitation to apply for Merit Scholarship
  6. WSU - Washington State University - Full Ride

Scholarship applied

1- Gates Millennium Scholarship - None
2 - UW Academic Excellence - Yes ($4000/year)
3 - NAAAP - Yes $2500
4 - BECU - $2500
5 - College Bound Scholarship - Full Cost of Attendance (Minus other aid)
6 - 16 - Are still waiting.
NAAAP Scholarship Winner

Tet in Seattle

As a child, I was always moving from house to house. I've never really settled into one community before, much less my own culture. To learn more about our heritage, my dad brought my sister and me to a volunteer meeting for Tet in Seattle, a Vietnamese lunar new year festival. Though I felt too awkward to participate in the meeting, my sister still signed me up to volunteer though, and I went. Expecting to feel as isolated as I did at the meeting, I was instead amazed. I saw how one's own culture can bring joy to others and realized two days of festivity was not enough for me. I wanted to see more and make the festival bigger and better.

I continued volunteering for Tet in Seattle every year but my first experience as a sixth grader made me want to promote Vietnamese and Asian culture to others. I encouraged my friends to come volunteer with me but was always met with reluctance. It was after entering high school that I saw a big change. I had joined many clubs that emphasized volunteering as a part of their club activity like Key Club and National Honor Society, so I promoted Tet in Seattle to my fellow club members. The response was both wonderful and disappointing. Many gladly volunteered while others that weren't Asian refused, thinking volunteers had to be Asian or speak Vietnamese. I didn't want them to think that they couldn't learn or connect with a different culture because of that difference so I sought to change this. I invited them to come to the volunteer meeting and decide after instead. Many students that refused actually showed up at the meeting and then at the festival to volunteer. Afterwards, they told me they were surprised at how welcomed they were by other volunteers and festival attendees and that they would definitely do it again next year. Hearing this, I was incredibly happy that I was able to connect them to a new culture and expand their perspectives.

When I volunteered again the next year, the old and experienced organizers had been replaced by young college students. Seeing them juggle both their education and the responsibility of being an organizer for Tet in Seattle year round inspired me. In the future, instead of just volunteering, I want to be a part of the Tet in Seattle organization as a leader. As a young Asian-American, I feel I can add refreshing perspectives to the organization's mission and build a way to let the Vietnamese-American community, other communities, and younger generations come together and learn from each other. After realizing how many experiences and opportunities I've missed, I don't want the same to happen to young kids now. The new organizers would always say to me with pride, “You're the next us!” but I want to be more than just a Tet organizer; I want to make Tet as part of American culture.

Written by: Michelle Pham
Edited by: vha08
Amount awarded: $2500