Ðề: Hồ sơ CR1- Thanh Huy - diện vợ chồng
Mấy kí tự A,C,D,F trong thư phỏng vấn là gì vậy các bạn.
A = Applicant must acquire this document and present it at the time of the interview.
C = Direct inquiries to your consulate / embassy
D = Certified document received
F = This form is not necessary for this application.
I = The required form is incomplete. Please ensure that a complete form is presented at
the interview.
O = The original document has been received and accepted as meeting post requirements.
P = The police certificate must be requested by the applicant. If you have already
applied for this document, no further action is required. The issuing police authority
will send the police record directly to the appropriate US Embassy to have on hand at
the time of the interview.
R = The electronic DS-260 form has been submitted and reviewed.
S = Scanned document received. The original document must be presented at the time of
the interview.
T = An acceptable document has been received, but a translation is required as the
submitted document is not in English or the official language of the processing post.
The applicant must present a certified translation at the time of the interview.
U = The applicant has informed the NVC that the required document is unavailable.
X = The required document is unobtainable for this country per the Foreign Affairs
Y = The required document has been received.
$ = Payment received.