Chào các Anh Chị và các bạn!
Em có hai hồ sơ F2A
1- Priority Day 03/22/2020
- Ngày sinh : 06/19/2000
- Recceipt number: IOE 9464927468
- Notice Date: 03/22/2020
2 - Priority Day: 04/12/2020
- Ngày sinh: 09/20/1990
- Recceipt number: IOE9698516163
- Notice Date: 04/12/2020
Cách đây 2 ngày em có nhận được hai lá thư từ USCIS
Lá thư 1:
REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE IMPORTANT: THIS NOTICE CONTAINS YOUR UNIQUE NUMBER. THE ORIGINAL NOTICE MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE REQUESTED EVIDENCE. You are receiving this notice because U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires additional evidence to process your form. Please provide the evidence requested below. Your response must be received in this office by January 28, 2022. Please note that you have been allotted the maximum period allowed for responding to a Request for Evidence (RFE). The time period for responding cannot be extended. 8 CFR 103.2(b)(8)(iv). Because many immigration benefits are time sensitive, you are encouraged to respond to this request as early as possible, but no later than the deadline provided above. If you do not respond to this notice within the allotted time, your case may be denied. The regulations do not provide for an extension of time to submit the requested evidence. You must submit all requested evidence at the same time. If you submit only some of the requested evidence, USCIS will consider your response a request for a decision on the record. 8 CFR 103.2(b)(11). If you submit a document in any language other than English, the document must be accompanied by a full and complete English translation. The translator must certify that the translation is accurate and he or she is competent to translate from that language to English. If you submit a foreign language translation in response to this request for evidence, you must also include a copy of the foreign language document. Processing of your I-130 will resume upon receipt of your response. If you have not heard from USCIS within 60 days of responding, you may contact the USCIS Contact Center (NCSC) at 1-800-375-5283. If you are hearing impaired, please call the NCSC TDD at 1-800-767-1833. I of 5
LATE REGISTERED BIRTH CERTIFICATE In support of the claimed relationship, you submitted a copy of the beneficiary's birth certificate. However, the birth certificate not sufficient for the following reason: It was registered on July 17, 2018, about 28 years after the birth of Toan Tran. In Matter of Rchman, 27 I&N Dec. 124 (BIA 2017), the Board of Immigration Appeals (the Board) addressed delay-registered births. The Board held that a late registered birth certificate might be sufficiently reliable proof ofa parental relationship. The Board provided a non- exhaustive list of factors to consider when determining whether a late registered birth certificate is sufficiently reliable proof of the parent-child relationship. Even if a birth certificate does not reflect that its registration was contemporaneous with the birth, an adjudicator may conclude that it is sufficiently reliable to establish parentage, depending on the circumstances. In making this determination, the adjudicator should consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, (1) information in the FAM regarding the availability and reliability of birth registrations in the country of birth during the time period at issue; (2) the length of time between the birth and the registration; (3) any credible explanation proffered by the petitioner as to the personal, societal, or historical circumstances that prevented a particular birth certificate from being registered contemporaneously, and any evidence in support of that explanation; (4) any credible explanation for why a particular birth certificate was lost or destroyed; (5) any evidence that the parental relationship was independently corroborated prior to the registration of the birth; (6) the length of time between the birth registration and the filing of the visa petition; and (7) information regarding whether the document was based on facts that were contemporaneous with the birth or on facts that were more recently established. When considered along with the factors listed above and with all other evidence currently in the file, USCIS has determined that the birth certificate is insufficiently reliable and will be accorded minimal weight unless you provide additional evidence. Therefore, you must submit additional documentary evidence. SECONDARY EVIDENCE Submit the oldest available evidence that establishes that Van Tran is the parent of Toan Tran. Submit as much evidence as possible. This evidence may include, but is not limited to: • Medical records or health records • Church records or religious documents • Early school records • Insurance records; • Employment records; . Financial records (tax returns)
Census or tribal records; .Government records or identification documents Any evidence submitted should include: • The name of the child and the child's parent(s); • Dates (e.g. dates of the child's birth, religious event, school attendance, hospital admittance, etc.); • Stamp, seal, signature of issuing official, authorized personnel, etc. AFFIDAVITS (IF SECONDARY EVIDENCE IS NOT AVAILABL affiants' statements. Affidavits must: • Be submitted by at least two individuals who are not parties to this petition and who have direct personal knowledge of the beneficiary's birth. o NOTE: USCIS will not consider a single statement signed by multiple individuals. Each person must submit his/her own affidavit attesting to their personal knowledge of the event. • Include: o The full name and address of the affiant; o The date and place of birth of the affiant; o The relationship between the affiant and parties to this petition; o Full information regarding the event; for example, the date and place of a birth of the child (including both parent(s) names), the date and place of marriage, divorce, death, etc.; and o Complete details concerning how the affiant acquired knowledge of the event. If you submit a document in any language other than English, the document must be accompanied by a full and complete English translation. The translator must certify that the translation is accurate and he or she is competent to translate from that language to English. If you submit a foreign language translation in response to this request for evidence, you must also include a copy of the foreign language document. PLACE THE ATTACHED COVERSHEET AND THIS ENTIRE LETTER ON TOP OF YOUR RESPONSE. SUBMISSION OF EVIDENCE WITHOUT THE COVERSHEET AND THIS LETTER WILL DELAY PROCESSING OF YOUR CASE AND MAY RESULT IN A DENIAL
COVERSHEET CONTRACTOR SCANNING REQUIRED Form: I-130 RECEIPT#: IOE9698516163 A#: PLEASE RETURN THE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS WITH THIS PAGE ON TOP TO: USCIS/OIDP ATTN: RFE/NOID/NOIR/NOIT 6046 N BELT LINE RD STE 108 IRVING, TX 75038-0011 Please check the appropriate box regarding if there is a new Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attormey or Accredited Representative, additional fees, additional forms, etc. Please place the new Form G-28, additional fees, additional forms directly under this sheet. Yes, there is: A New G-28 Additional Fees Additional Forms Other: If you have moved, write your current address in the blank area below. Please be sure to write clearly. (Select appropriate check box) Applicant/Beneficiary Petitioner New Address: As required by Section § 265.1 Reporting change of address. "Except for those exempted by section 263(b) of the Act, all aliens in the United States required to register under section 262 of the Act must report each change of address and new address within 10 days of such change in accordance with instructions provided by USCIS.
Kính mong các Anh Chị và các bạn đọc và chỉ giúp mình phải làm gì ạ. Cảm ơn tất cà mọi người a.
Em có hai hồ sơ F2A
1- Priority Day 03/22/2020
- Ngày sinh : 06/19/2000
- Recceipt number: IOE 9464927468
- Notice Date: 03/22/2020
2 - Priority Day: 04/12/2020
- Ngày sinh: 09/20/1990
- Recceipt number: IOE9698516163
- Notice Date: 04/12/2020
Cách đây 2 ngày em có nhận được hai lá thư từ USCIS
Lá thư 1:
REQUEST FOR EVIDENCE IMPORTANT: THIS NOTICE CONTAINS YOUR UNIQUE NUMBER. THE ORIGINAL NOTICE MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE REQUESTED EVIDENCE. You are receiving this notice because U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires additional evidence to process your form. Please provide the evidence requested below. Your response must be received in this office by January 28, 2022. Please note that you have been allotted the maximum period allowed for responding to a Request for Evidence (RFE). The time period for responding cannot be extended. 8 CFR 103.2(b)(8)(iv). Because many immigration benefits are time sensitive, you are encouraged to respond to this request as early as possible, but no later than the deadline provided above. If you do not respond to this notice within the allotted time, your case may be denied. The regulations do not provide for an extension of time to submit the requested evidence. You must submit all requested evidence at the same time. If you submit only some of the requested evidence, USCIS will consider your response a request for a decision on the record. 8 CFR 103.2(b)(11). If you submit a document in any language other than English, the document must be accompanied by a full and complete English translation. The translator must certify that the translation is accurate and he or she is competent to translate from that language to English. If you submit a foreign language translation in response to this request for evidence, you must also include a copy of the foreign language document. Processing of your I-130 will resume upon receipt of your response. If you have not heard from USCIS within 60 days of responding, you may contact the USCIS Contact Center (NCSC) at 1-800-375-5283. If you are hearing impaired, please call the NCSC TDD at 1-800-767-1833. I of 5

LATE REGISTERED BIRTH CERTIFICATE In support of the claimed relationship, you submitted a copy of the beneficiary's birth certificate. However, the birth certificate not sufficient for the following reason: It was registered on July 17, 2018, about 28 years after the birth of Toan Tran. In Matter of Rchman, 27 I&N Dec. 124 (BIA 2017), the Board of Immigration Appeals (the Board) addressed delay-registered births. The Board held that a late registered birth certificate might be sufficiently reliable proof ofa parental relationship. The Board provided a non- exhaustive list of factors to consider when determining whether a late registered birth certificate is sufficiently reliable proof of the parent-child relationship. Even if a birth certificate does not reflect that its registration was contemporaneous with the birth, an adjudicator may conclude that it is sufficiently reliable to establish parentage, depending on the circumstances. In making this determination, the adjudicator should consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, (1) information in the FAM regarding the availability and reliability of birth registrations in the country of birth during the time period at issue; (2) the length of time between the birth and the registration; (3) any credible explanation proffered by the petitioner as to the personal, societal, or historical circumstances that prevented a particular birth certificate from being registered contemporaneously, and any evidence in support of that explanation; (4) any credible explanation for why a particular birth certificate was lost or destroyed; (5) any evidence that the parental relationship was independently corroborated prior to the registration of the birth; (6) the length of time between the birth registration and the filing of the visa petition; and (7) information regarding whether the document was based on facts that were contemporaneous with the birth or on facts that were more recently established. When considered along with the factors listed above and with all other evidence currently in the file, USCIS has determined that the birth certificate is insufficiently reliable and will be accorded minimal weight unless you provide additional evidence. Therefore, you must submit additional documentary evidence. SECONDARY EVIDENCE Submit the oldest available evidence that establishes that Van Tran is the parent of Toan Tran. Submit as much evidence as possible. This evidence may include, but is not limited to: • Medical records or health records • Church records or religious documents • Early school records • Insurance records; • Employment records; . Financial records (tax returns)
Census or tribal records; .Government records or identification documents Any evidence submitted should include: • The name of the child and the child's parent(s); • Dates (e.g. dates of the child's birth, religious event, school attendance, hospital admittance, etc.); • Stamp, seal, signature of issuing official, authorized personnel, etc. AFFIDAVITS (IF SECONDARY EVIDENCE IS NOT AVAILABL affiants' statements. Affidavits must: • Be submitted by at least two individuals who are not parties to this petition and who have direct personal knowledge of the beneficiary's birth. o NOTE: USCIS will not consider a single statement signed by multiple individuals. Each person must submit his/her own affidavit attesting to their personal knowledge of the event. • Include: o The full name and address of the affiant; o The date and place of birth of the affiant; o The relationship between the affiant and parties to this petition; o Full information regarding the event; for example, the date and place of a birth of the child (including both parent(s) names), the date and place of marriage, divorce, death, etc.; and o Complete details concerning how the affiant acquired knowledge of the event. If you submit a document in any language other than English, the document must be accompanied by a full and complete English translation. The translator must certify that the translation is accurate and he or she is competent to translate from that language to English. If you submit a foreign language translation in response to this request for evidence, you must also include a copy of the foreign language document. PLACE THE ATTACHED COVERSHEET AND THIS ENTIRE LETTER ON TOP OF YOUR RESPONSE. SUBMISSION OF EVIDENCE WITHOUT THE COVERSHEET AND THIS LETTER WILL DELAY PROCESSING OF YOUR CASE AND MAY RESULT IN A DENIAL
COVERSHEET CONTRACTOR SCANNING REQUIRED Form: I-130 RECEIPT#: IOE9698516163 A#: PLEASE RETURN THE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS WITH THIS PAGE ON TOP TO: USCIS/OIDP ATTN: RFE/NOID/NOIR/NOIT 6046 N BELT LINE RD STE 108 IRVING, TX 75038-0011 Please check the appropriate box regarding if there is a new Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attormey or Accredited Representative, additional fees, additional forms, etc. Please place the new Form G-28, additional fees, additional forms directly under this sheet. Yes, there is: A New G-28 Additional Fees Additional Forms Other: If you have moved, write your current address in the blank area below. Please be sure to write clearly. (Select appropriate check box) Applicant/Beneficiary Petitioner New Address: As required by Section § 265.1 Reporting change of address. "Except for those exempted by section 263(b) of the Act, all aliens in the United States required to register under section 262 of the Act must report each change of address and new address within 10 days of such change in accordance with instructions provided by USCIS.
Kính mong các Anh Chị và các bạn đọc và chỉ giúp mình phải làm gì ạ. Cảm ơn tất cà mọi người a.