xin chào gia đình xuatnhapcanh,em xin mọi người giúp đỡ em 1 chút.Hôm nay em có nhận được check list từ NVC,xin mọi người dịch dùm em xem họ cần những gì,và họ muốn em làm gì,cám ơn anh chị nhiều
INSTRUCTIONS FOR: NGUYEN, HA TIEN DO^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________We reviewed your I-864, I-864EZ, I-864W or I-864A Affidavit of Support form and supportingfinancial documents. Even though requesting information is still missing, we will schedule your casefor an interview. We will tell you when we have an interview date for your case. Please do notcontact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM about your interviewuntil we give you the appointment date.Either your Affidavit of Support was incomplete, some of your supporting documents were missing,or both. This could affect the Consular Officer's ability to complete the visa interview.We marked the missing items on the attached checklist. We strongly recommend that youcorrect the Affidavit of Support before the visa interview. Do not send any of the missing itemsto the NVC. Instead, send them to HA TIEN DO NGUYEN so he or she can take them to thevisa interview for the Consular Officer to review. If the checklist shows there are problems withthe form, complete a new Affidavit of Support form and send it to HA TIEN DO NGUYENbefore the visa interview.If you need a new Affidavit of Support form, you can find it at
NGUYEN, HUY TUONG Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, & Financial EvidenceChecklist) Please review the instructions below then refer to the final page of this checklist for mailinginstructions.[x] I-864, Affidavit of Support Checklist[x] The NVC recently completed our review of your visa case. While you meet the minimum qualifications for a visainterview to be scheduled your Affidavit of Support contained one or more sections with missing or incorrect information.Please review the additional instructions below then complete a new Affidavit of Support. (You can download the I-864form and instructions at Once you have completed the new Affidavit of Support, pleaseprovide it to the principal applicant to bring to his or her visa interview. Do not submit your new Affidavit of Support tothe NVC, as doing so will reopen your case and cause processing delays.[x][x][x][x][x][x] In Part 5. Sponsor's Household Size, please correct the following...[x] Item 8. The household size must equal the sum of items 1 through 7.[x][x][x][x][x][x][GBD 05/20/2015] HCM2014585076