*ZZ*AN THANH THI PHAM189 LE HONG PHONGVUNG TAU BA RIA VING TAUVIETNAM*HCM2009710188* Interview Letter (P4)March 25, 2015Dear AN THANH THI PHAM,The National Visa Center (NVC) completed the domestic pre-processing of the immigrant visa petitionHCM2009710188 filed by DANH THI PHAM on behalf of AN THANH THI PHAM. The NVC will nowforward the petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM for a visa interview.This letter serves as formal notification of the visa interview. SAVE this letter and present it to the U.S. Embassyor Consulate guard/receptionist at the time of the interview.================================================================================Interview Date and Time================================================================================An immigrant visa interview is scheduled for AN THANH THI PHAM and any eligible derivative applicants(see applicants eligible to attend the interview below) at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINHCITY, VIETNAM on May 11, 2015 at 08:00 am.================================================================================Applicants Eligible to Attend the Interview================================================================================Name Date of Birth Place of BirthPHAM, AN THANH THI 10JUL1968 VIETNAMNGUYEN, TUAN ANH 21OCT1966 VIETNAMNGUYEN, NGOC THAO PHAM 14JUL1997 VIETNAM================================================================================Cuban Family Reunification Parole (CFRP) Program Interviews================================================================================Go to the Required Visa Interview Documents and Document Status Code Definitions section of this letter andview code V.HCM2009710188================================================================================How to Prepare for the Visa Interview================================================================================Upon receiving this letter, all eligible applicants must prepare for the visa interview by visiting our websitehttp://nvc.state.gov/interview and completing the following six steps before the interview date:1. Carefully review this entire appointment letter.2. Review the U.S. Embassy or Consulate interview instructions.3. Schedule and complete a medical examination.4. Gather all remaining required documents.5. Review important interview preparation notices.6. Review additional information on the U.S. Embassy or Consulate website.================================================================================U.S. Embassy or Consulate Address and Contact Information================================================================================To obtain the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINH CITY's address and contact information, visithttp://usembassy.gov and select VIETNAM: HO CHI MINH CITY from the list of websites. The U.S.Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINH CITY's website will include its street address and contact information.================================================================================*** IMPORTANT *** Interview Reminders================================================================================· Applicants may need to bring an additional police certificate to the interview. If the following threeitems are all true, the applicant needs to bring an updated police certificate to the interview:· He or she is more than 16 years old;· He or she obtained a police certificate more than one year ago; and· He or she still lives in the country that issued the police certificate.· Bring this interview letter to the medical exam. Bring this letter to the medical examination because thepanel physician may need to review it before performing the examination.· Bring updated Federal income tax information to the interview. If a sponsor filed an I-864 (Affidavit ofSupport) and provided the NVC with proof of an IRS Federal income tax extension in lieu of a Federalincome tax return, bring the sponsor's most recent Federal income tax return to the visa interview.· Petitioners are not required to attend the applicant's immigrant visa interview. Facility size and/orsecurity concerns may limit who may accompany a visa applicant during his or her visit to the U.S. Embassyor Consulate. Please visit the U.S. Embassy or Consulate's webpage for more information at usembassy.gov.HCM2009710188================================================================================What to do if the Applicant Cannot Go to the Interview================================================================================To reschedule an interview, visit our website
http://nvc.state.gov/interview and review the U.S. Embassy orConsulate in HO CHI MINH CITY's Interview Instructions. If the embassy or consulate does not have anyspecific rescheduling guidelines listed, contact the embassy or consulate directly (see U.S. Embassy or ConsulateAddress and Contact Information above) to reschedule the applicant's interview.================================================================================Required Visa Interview Documents and Document Status Code Definitions================================================================================While the applicant was processing at the National Visa Center, we asked him or her to submit certain formsand documents. On the following pages, we indicate the status of each of these forms and documents and anyaction the applicant needs to take to prepare them for the interview. Please refer to the document status codedefinitions below to determine what action to take for each item.Document Status Code Definitions:A Obtain the original or a certified copy of this document and present it at your interviewC You must bring this entire interview letter to your interviewD The NVC sent this form or document to the U.S. Embassy or ConsulateF The NVC did not request this form or documentG You withdrew your I-601A, Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver, with USCISH You must obtain two passport photographs of yourself and present them at your interviewI This form is incomplete. You must present a completed form at your interview.J The NVC only received a photocopy of the document. You must present the original document at the time of your interview.O The NVC sent this form or document to the U.S. Embassy or ConsulateP You must request this police certificate from the issuing authority. After you submit your request, the issuing authority will send the certificate directly to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for your interview.R You submitted the Immigrant Visa Application onlineS The NVC only received a scanned document. You must present the original document at the time of your interview.T You must present an English translation of this document at the time of your interviewU You indicated this document was unavailable. The consular officer will decide whether to waive the requirement for this document at your interview.V View the website at
http://havana.usint.gov/cfrp.html for English or
http://spanish.havana.usint.gov/cfrp.html for Spanish and follow the instructions.X This document is unobtainableY The NVC sent this form or document to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate$ Payment received+ The NVC returned this document to you per your request. Present this document at your interview.================================================================================AN THANH THI PHAM's Required Visa Interview Documents================================================================================NVC Case Number: HCM2009710188Applicant Name: AN THANH THI PHAMInvoice ID: ........ Beneficiary ID: .......... You must bring the following items to the visa interview:· Any original documents the NVC requested that you did not submit (refer to the document list below)· If the physician gives you your medical exam results, bring them to your interview in the envelope sealedby the medical office.· Two passport photographs measuring 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm by 5 cm) with a white background· A valid unexpired passport· Photocopies of all civil documents· A new police certificate from your current country of residence, if you obtained the police certificatemore than one year ago.· Any additional documents listed in the U.S. Embassy or Consulate specific interview guidelinesThe following table lists the documents requested by the NVC and whether or not you submitted them to theNVC. Please note that even though you may have provided the NVC with a copy of a document, you arestill required to bring the original document to the visa interview.Refer to the Document Status Code Definitions on Page 3 to determine the meaning of the document statuscodes.Document Name Document StatusCORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS C1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1 Y1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 2 Y2 - PASSPORT Y3 - BIRTH CERTIFICATE O4 - ADOPTION F5 - MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE O6 - MARRIAGE TERMINATION F7 - COURT RECORDS FF - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE Y8 - CUSTODY PAPERS F9 - MILITARY RECORDS F10 - VIETNAM POLICE CERTIFICATE OFEE PAYMENT $PHOTOGRAPH YF - PETITIONER MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FF - PETITIONER BIRTH CERTIFICATE O================================================================================TUAN ANH NGUYEN's Required Visa Interview Documents================================================================================NVC Case Number: HCM2009710188Applicant Name: TUAN ANH NGUYENInvoice ID: ............. Beneficiary ID .............. You must bring the following items to the visa interview:· Any original documents the NVC requested that you did not submit (refer to the document list below)· If the physician gives you your medical exam results, bring them to your interview in the envelope sealedby the medical office.· Two passport photographs measuring 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm by 5 cm) with a white background· A valid unexpired passport· Photocopies of all civil documents· A new police certificate from your current country of residence, if you obtained the police certificatemore than one year ago.· Any additional documents listed in the U.S. Embassy or Consulate specific interview guidelinesThe following table lists the documents requested by the NVC and whether or not you submitted them to theNVC. Please note that even though you may have provided the NVC with a copy of a document, you arestill required to bring the original document to the visa interview.Refer to the Document Status Code Definitions on Page 3 to determine the meaning of the document statuscodes.Document Name Document StatusCORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS C1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1 Y1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 2 Y2 - PASSPORT Y3 - BIRTH CERTIFICATE O4 - ADOPTION F5 - MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE O6 - MARRIAGE TERMINATION F7 - COURT RECORDS FF - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE I8 - CUSTODY PAPERS F9 - MILITARY RECORDS F10 - VIETNAM POLICE CERTIFICATE OFEE PAYMENT $PHOTOGRAPH YF - PETITIONER MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE FF - PETITIONER BIRTH CERTIFICATE F===============================================================================NGOC THAO PHAM NGUYEN's Required Visa Interview Documents================================================================================NVC Case Number: HCM2009710188Applicant Name: NGOC THAO PHAM NGUYENInvoice ID: ........... Beneficiary ID:....... You must bring the following items to the visa interview:· Any original documents the NVC requested that you did not submit (refer to the document list below)· If the physician gives you your medical exam results, bring them to your interview in the envelope sealedby the medical office.· Two passport photographs measuring 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm by 5 cm) with a white background· A valid unexpired passport· Photocopies of all civil documents· A new police certificate from your current country of residence, if you obtained the police certificatemore than one year ago.· Any additional documents listed in the U.S. Embassy or Consulate specific interview guidelinesThe following table lists the documents requested by the NVC and whether or not you submitted them to theNVC. Please note that even though you may have provided the NVC with a copy of a document, you arestill required to bring the original document to the visa interview.Refer to the Document Status Code Definitions on Page 3 to determine the meaning of the document statuscodes.Document Name Document StatusCORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS C1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1 Y1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 2 Y2 - PASSPORT Y3 - BIRTH CERTIFICATE O4 - ADOPTION F5 - MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE F6 - MARRIAGE TERMINATION F7 - COURT RECORDS FF - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE I8 - CUSTODY PAPERS F9 - MILITARY RE