ðề: ðề: ðề: F4-06/2000
Xin chào diễn đàn!
- Số hồ sơ của mình là:Case_Number: HCM2002556012.
-Người được bảo lãnh là: PHẠM CÔNG THỨC
-Địa chỉ: Phu tuc -Krong pa- Gia lai
Vừa rồi mình có hỏi LSQ họ trả lời là :
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HCMC Consular Info <HCMCinfo@state.gov>
Date: 2012/8/6
Subject: RE: Immigrant Visa Question
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Our records indicate that the beneficiary failed to attend the visa interview on April 17, 2012. The notification of visa appointment was mailed to the beneficiary’s mailing address at: LOC HOANG NGUYEN, THON #2, XA: PHU-THO, HUYEN QUE-SON, TINH QUANG-NAM, VIETNAM.
Please be advised that any applicant who has missed the interview for any reason must request us in writing to schedule another interview. The request must be made via our inquiry form on our website at
http://hochiminh.usconsulate.gov/contac ... iries.html. We will schedule a new interview approximately 2-3 months after we receive the written request. You may wish to contact us at the end of each month for further information about the appointment date after we receive your request. The beneficiary's case may be terminated if the beneficiary fails to pursue the application within one year of the original interview date
Please note that we cannot contact applicants and petitioners by e-mail. As the Consulate General contacts applicants and petitioners by mail, it is important that all mailing addresses in the case record be correct and current.
If you have further question, please DO NOT reply to this email but submit your inquiry again to:
http://hochiminh.usconsulate.gov/contac ... iries.html. We WILL NOT respond to any inquiry sent directly to this email address.
Best regards,
Visa Information Unit
U.S. Consulate General in HCMC
-----Original Message-----
do-not-reply@usembassy.gov [mailto:do-not-reply@usembassy.gov]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 9:56 AM
To: HCMC, IV Info
Subject: Immigrant Visa Question
Beneficiary_Case_Number: HCM2002556012
Beneficiary_Family_Name: PHAM
Beneficiary_Name_Given_Name: THUC CONG
Beneficiary_Date_Of_Birth-Month: March
Beneficiary_Date_Of_Birth-Day: 8
Beneficiary_Date_Of_Birth: 1967
Passport_Number: B4264170
Your_Name_Family_Name: PHAM
Your_Name_Given_Name: THUC CONG
Relationship_To_Beneficiary: Self
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