Xin cho hoi ho so HCM2016550026 hien dang the nao? Vo toi da nop ho so bao lanh ben My va co ay da nhan duoc thu cua NVC gui ngay 3/6/2016 (dinh kem), rieng toi thi chi nhan duoc 1 la thu cua NVC gui vao thoi diem ngay 22/2/2016 de thong bao cho toi biet ve viec co ho so bao lanh tu ben My.
Vay voi la thu ma NVC gui cho vo toi ben My vao ngay 3/6/2016 nhu vay, thi hien tai ho so cua toi dang ra sao? Va toi co can lam gi khong? Hay la toi van phai cho doi den khi ho gui thong bao cho toi?
Xin cam on!
Toi gui kem noi dung cac thu ma toi va vo toi da nhan.
Thu toi nhan vao thang 22/2/2016
the national visa centre received your immigrant visa petition from US. Citizenship and Immigrantion Sevices. We will work with you to complete your immigrant visa case and schedule your visa interview
Note: keep this letter in a safe place. you will need this information during the application process.
Your case identification numbers are below. You will need these numbers to pay fees and completeonline forms.
NVC Case Number: HCM2016550026
Next steps:
Go to our website: for English or for Spanish and complete the six steps below to begin NVC processing.
Step1: Choose an agent
Step2: Pay fees
Step3: Submit visa application form
Step4: Collect financial documents
Step5: Collect supporting documents
Step6: Submit documents to the NVC
After you complete the steps above, we will review the forms and documents you submit to us. If something is missing, we will tell you how to fix it. Otherwise, we will schedule your case for a visa interview at the US Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM.
Thu vo toi da nhan duoc vao thang 6/2016
The National Visa Center received all the requested documentation for this immigrant visa case. the applicant is now in the queue awaiting an interview appointment overseas, where a consular officer will adjudicate the applicant's visa application.
NVC schedules appointments one month in advance. The US Embassy or consulate General tells us what dates they are holding interviews, and NVC fills these appointments in a first-in first-out manner. Most appointments are set within 60 days of NVC receipt of all requested dcumentation. However, we cannot predict when an interview appointment will be available.
When we are able to schedule an appointment, we will notify the applicant, petitioner and attorney (If applicable). The applicant can prepare now by reading about the Embassy's interview requirements online at Thank you for your patience.
The Embassy may require additional documents at the interview. In particular, if the following these item are all true, the applicant must bring a new police certificate to the visa interview
- He or she is more than 16 years old.
- The police certificate submitted to NVC was obtained more than one year ago, and
- He or she still lives in the country that issued the certificate.
The applicant should not make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until the embassy has issued a visa.
Vay voi la thu ma NVC gui cho vo toi ben My vao ngay 3/6/2016 nhu vay, thi hien tai ho so cua toi dang ra sao? Va toi co can lam gi khong? Hay la toi van phai cho doi den khi ho gui thong bao cho toi?
Xin cam on!
Toi gui kem noi dung cac thu ma toi va vo toi da nhan.
Thu toi nhan vao thang 22/2/2016
the national visa centre received your immigrant visa petition from US. Citizenship and Immigrantion Sevices. We will work with you to complete your immigrant visa case and schedule your visa interview
Note: keep this letter in a safe place. you will need this information during the application process.
Your case identification numbers are below. You will need these numbers to pay fees and completeonline forms.
NVC Case Number: HCM2016550026
Next steps:
Go to our website: for English or for Spanish and complete the six steps below to begin NVC processing.
Step1: Choose an agent
Step2: Pay fees
Step3: Submit visa application form
Step4: Collect financial documents
Step5: Collect supporting documents
Step6: Submit documents to the NVC
After you complete the steps above, we will review the forms and documents you submit to us. If something is missing, we will tell you how to fix it. Otherwise, we will schedule your case for a visa interview at the US Embassy or Consulate in HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM.
Thu vo toi da nhan duoc vao thang 6/2016
The National Visa Center received all the requested documentation for this immigrant visa case. the applicant is now in the queue awaiting an interview appointment overseas, where a consular officer will adjudicate the applicant's visa application.
NVC schedules appointments one month in advance. The US Embassy or consulate General tells us what dates they are holding interviews, and NVC fills these appointments in a first-in first-out manner. Most appointments are set within 60 days of NVC receipt of all requested dcumentation. However, we cannot predict when an interview appointment will be available.
When we are able to schedule an appointment, we will notify the applicant, petitioner and attorney (If applicable). The applicant can prepare now by reading about the Embassy's interview requirements online at Thank you for your patience.
The Embassy may require additional documents at the interview. In particular, if the following these item are all true, the applicant must bring a new police certificate to the visa interview
- He or she is more than 16 years old.
- The police certificate submitted to NVC was obtained more than one year ago, and
- He or she still lives in the country that issued the certificate.
The applicant should not make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until the embassy has issued a visa.