[Hồ sơ F2A, 2B] Hồ sơ F2A - HCM2014643018


Thành viên mới
Case number: hcm2014643018 , ngày xét 11/03/2014, đợi tới bây giờ mà không biết hs như thế nào, diện F2A


Diễn đàn XNC
Case number: HCM2014643018, ngày xét 11/03/2014, đợi tới bây giờ mà không biết hồ sơ như thế nào, diện F2A.
Hồ sơ bạn hiện tại vẫn còn ở Trung tâm Chiếu khán Quốc gia NVC.

Ngoài ra bạn cần cung cấp thêm thông tin hồ sơ.
1/. Ngày ưu tiên Priority Date.
2/. Ngày chấp thuận Approval Date.

Hồ sơ bạn đã thực hiện được những phần gì rồi. Đã nhận được thông báo mở hồ sơ, và hoàn tất tại NVC xong chưa?
Là diện visa F2A nhưng bạn thuộc diện nào? bảo lãnh vợ/chồng, hay cha mẹ bảo lãnh con dưới 21 tuổi.


Thành viên mới
NVC Case Number: HCM2014643018

We reviewed the documents you submitted to us. This letter has a list of documents that are missing orthat need additional information. Please review the instructions on the attached pages.
The instructions will ask you to either:

  • Send the missing or corrected items to the applicant so he or she can take them to the visa interview.
  • Send the missing or corrected items to the National Visa Center (NVC) and include a copy of the
    Case Number Barcode Cover Sheet. Clearly write your case number HCM2014643018 on theupper right-hand corner of every document you send. After you email or mail the requestedinformation, allow us 30 days to review your response. When we complete our review, we will sendyou information about the next processing step.
    If you have any questions about this letter, please contact us athttp://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/contact/ask-nvc.html or call us at (603) 334-0700 between7:00am and 12 midnight U.S. Eastern Time.
    If a period of one year passes without contacting the NVC (by email, telephone, or mail), allsubmitted fees and documents will expire. If this happens, you will need to resubmit the fees anddocuments to continue the immigration process.
Case Number:Beneficiary's Name:preference Category:RES.
Priority Date:[MAK 09/28/2016]




September 28, 2016


National Visa Center
Case Number Barcode Cover Sheet______________________________________________

  • You must use this cover sheet when you physically submit forms andsupporting documents to the NVC. Place a legible copy of this form onthe top of each submission and mail to this address:
    National Visa CenterATTN: DR
    31 Rochester Avenue, Suite 100Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

  • Do not include any form of electronic media, including CDs andmemory cards. If you send electronic media to the NVC, we will returnit unopened.
  • Send photocopies of your civil documents (e.g., birth certificate). Sendan original, signed Form I-864 Affidavit of Support(s).
  • Failure to use this cover sheet will delay your visa.
  • Use this cover sheet only for the case number indicated below.Information for any other case that you mail in the same package mustinclude the cover sheet for that case.
  • Do not use this cover sheet if you are submitting forms and supportingdocuments by email. Instead, follow the directions under "Emailprocessing" on http://nvc.state.gov/submit for English orhttp://nvc.state.gov/enviar/espanol for Spanish.

______CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________
When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with thisletter. Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case. The barcode sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to theaddress provided.
______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________
We received your Immigrant Visa Application; however, we have not received an Affidavit of Supportform. You must submit an Affidavit of Support form before we can complete your case.
Please go to our website http://nvc.state.gov for instructions on how to obtain, complete, and submit anAffidavit of Support form.
______3 - BIRTH CERTIFICATE:_______________________________________
Please submit this applicant's photocopy of the original document listed above. Each applicant must senda photocopy of the original birth certificate issued by the official custodian of birth records in the countryof birth, showing the date and place of birth, and the parentage of the alien, based upon the originalregistration of birth.
Documents must be from the appropriate issuing authority. Failure to provide the correct document willdelay your case and may result in rescheduling of your interview or refusal of a visa.
The certificate must contain the following information:person's date of birth
Person's place of birth
Names of both parents, and

Annotation by the appropriate authority indicating that it is an extract from the official records
If the certificate is a photocopy of the certified original document, it must come from the issuinggovernment authority and it must contain annotation by the issuing authority indicating that it is anextract from the official records.
- A baptismal certificate that contains the date and place of birth, as well as both parents names(providing the baptism took place shortly after birth)
- An adoption decree for an adopted child
- An affidavit from a close relative, preferably the applicant's mother, stating the date and place of birth,both parents names, and the mother's maiden name

Suitability of Documentation for Immigration Purposes:
For many countries, the U.S Department of State has established country-specific criteria for ensuringthat applicants submit documents appropriate for visa processing. Please go to our websitehttp://nvc.state.gov/ to determine if the U.S. Department of State has issued any country-specific
guidelines for the document requested.

All documents not in English or in the official language of the country where the visa application will beprocessed must be accompanied by a certified translation. Your translation must include a statement bythe translator which includes the following:
Translation is accurate
Translator is competent to translate

______5 - MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE:____________________________________
Please send a copy of this applicant's original marriage certificate or a copy of the certified marriagedocument.
Documents must be from the appropriate issuing government authority. Failure to provide the correctdocument will delay your case and may result in rescheduling of your interview, or refusal of a visa.
For many countries, the U.S. Department of State has established country-specific criteria for ensuringthat applicants submit documents appropriate for visa processing. Please go to http://nvc.state.gov/ todetermine if the U.S. Department of State has issued any country-specific guidelines for the requesteddocument.
All documents not in English, or the official language of the country where the visa application will beprocessed, must be accompanied by a certified translation. Your translation must include a statementsigned by the translator that states the following:
Translation is accurate
Translator is competent to translate

If the certificate is a certified copy of the original it must come from the issuing government authorityand it must contain annotation by the issuing government authority indicating that it is an extract fromthe official records. If the applicant's marriage record is unobtainable because records have beendestroyed or the appropriate government authority will not issue one, please obtain a certified statementfrom the appropriate government authority stating the reason your record is not available.
______10 - VIETNAM POLICE CERTIFICATE:_____________________________Required for immigrant visa applicants only.
For Vietnamese residents, non-Vietnamese residents, and foreigners currently residing in Vietnam:Requests for a “Justice of Record Check #2” (Phieu Ly Lich Tu Phap So 2”) must be made at theDepartment of Justice office located in the district where the applicant currently resides, or at theapplicant’s official residence. The official residence is registered in the “household registry” (Ho Khau)issued by the district police. The processing fee to request this document is 200.000VND per applicant,and the record check takes approximately 10 working days to complete. The applicant cannot grantauthority to someone else to request the “Justice Record Check” on his/her behalf.
The applicant should be prepared to present (2) sets of the following documents at the time of therequest:
• Completed application form (Form 03/TT-LLTP.) Please check the box in Justice Record

Check #2;

  • Applicant’s National Identification Card or passport;
  • Proof of residence location and length of time the applicant has resided in Vietnam, such asthe household registry book (Ho Khau), the temporary residence registry book, the permanent residencecard or a residence certification from the local People’s Committee.
    For foreigners who formerly resided in Vietnam and no longer reside in Vietnam
    Request for a “Justice Record Check #1” (Phieu Ly Lich Tu Phap So 1) must be made at the NationalCenter of Criminal Records – Vietnamese Ministry of Justice in Hanoi. Contact information is asfollows:
    National Center of Criminal Records
    Address: 58 – 60 Tran Phu Street, Ba Đinh District, Hanoi.Telephone: +84-4-62739718
    Fax: 04.62739359
    Email: cntt@moj.gov.vn
    The processing fee to request this document is 200.000VND per applicant, and the record check takesapproximately 10 working days to complete. If applicant cannot present himself/herself at the NationalCenter of Criminal Records, he/she can grant authority to someone else to apply on his/her behalf aslong as he/she provides a Letter of Attorney which is legalized/ authenticated by Vietnamese ConsulateGeneral or Vietnamese Embassy at the city of their current residence.
    Applicant should be prepared to present two (2) sets of the following documents at the time of therequest:
• Completed application form (Form 03/TT-LLTP.) if applicant can apply in person, orcompleted application form (Form 04/TT-LLTP) if applicant cannot apply in person and authorizessomeone else to apply on his/her behalf;

  • Applicant’s passport;
  • Proof of residence location and length of time applicant resided in Vietnam, such as his/herold entry-exit permit detailing the length of time applicant resided in Vietnam, the permanent residencecard, if any, or a residence certification from the local People’s Committee of applicant’s residence.


Thành viên mới
Thông tin hồ sơ.
1/. Ngày ưu tiên Priority Date: 11MAR2014
2/. Ngày chấp thuận Approval Date:

Đã nhận được mail NVC, em có up lên mail do NVC gửi cho em lên đây.
Là diện visa F2A bảo lãnh vợ/chồng.


Diễn đàn XNC
NVC Case Number: HCM2014643018

We reviewed the documents you submitted to us. This letter has a list of documents that are missing orthat need additional information. Please review the instructions on the attached pages.
The instructions will ask you to either:

  • Send the missing or corrected items to the applicant so he or she can take them to the visa interview.
  • Send the missing or corrected items to the National Visa Center (NVC) and include a copy of the
    Case Number Barcode Cover Sheet. Clearly write your case number HCM2014643018 on theupper right-hand corner of every document you send. After you email or mail the requestedinformation, allow us 30 days to review your response. When we complete our review, we will sendyou information about the next processing step.
    If you have any questions about this letter, please contact us athttp://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/contact/ask-nvc.html or call us at (603) 334-0700 between7:00am and 12 midnight U.S. Eastern Time.
    If a period of one year passes without contacting the NVC (by email, telephone, or mail), allsubmitted fees and documents will expire. If this happens, you will need to resubmit the fees anddocuments to continue the immigration process.
Case Number:Beneficiary's Name:preference Category:RES.
Priority Date:[MAK 09/28/2016]




September 28, 2016


National Visa Center
Case Number Barcode Cover Sheet______________________________________________

  • You must use this cover sheet when you physically submit forms andsupporting documents to the NVC. Place a legible copy of this form onthe top of each submission and mail to this address:
    National Visa CenterATTN: DR
    31 Rochester Avenue, Suite 100Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

  • Do not include any form of electronic media, including CDs andmemory cards. If you send electronic media to the NVC, we will returnit unopened.
  • Send photocopies of your civil documents (e.g., birth certificate). Sendan original, signed Form I-864 Affidavit of Support(s).
  • Failure to use this cover sheet will delay your visa.
  • Use this cover sheet only for the case number indicated below.Information for any other case that you mail in the same package mustinclude the cover sheet for that case.
  • Do not use this cover sheet if you are submitting forms and supportingdocuments by email. Instead, follow the directions under "Emailprocessing" on http://nvc.state.gov/submit for English orhttp://nvc.state.gov/enviar/espanol for Spanish.

______CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________
When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with thisletter. Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case. The barcode sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to theaddress provided.
______F - FINANCIAL EVIDENCE:______________________________________
We received your Immigrant Visa Application; however, we have not received an Affidavit of Supportform. You must submit an Affidavit of Support form before we can complete your case.
Please go to our website http://nvc.state.gov for instructions on how to obtain, complete, and submit anAffidavit of Support form.
______3 - BIRTH CERTIFICATE:_______________________________________
Please submit this applicant's photocopy of the original document listed above. Each applicant must senda photocopy of the original birth certificate issued by the official custodian of birth records in the countryof birth, showing the date and place of birth, and the parentage of the alien, based upon the originalregistration of birth.
Documents must be from the appropriate issuing authority. Failure to provide the correct document willdelay your case and may result in rescheduling of your interview or refusal of a visa.
The certificate must contain the following information:person's date of birth
Person's place of birth
Names of both parents, and

Annotation by the appropriate authority indicating that it is an extract from the official records
If the certificate is a photocopy of the certified original document, it must come from the issuinggovernment authority and it must contain annotation by the issuing authority indicating that it is anextract from the official records.
- A baptismal certificate that contains the date and place of birth, as well as both parents names(providing the baptism took place shortly after birth)
- An adoption decree for an adopted child
- An affidavit from a close relative, preferably the applicant's mother, stating the date and place of birth,both parents names, and the mother's maiden name

Suitability of Documentation for Immigration Purposes:
For many countries, the U.S Department of State has established country-specific criteria for ensuringthat applicants submit documents appropriate for visa processing. Please go to our websitehttp://nvc.state.gov/ to determine if the U.S. Department of State has issued any country-specific
guidelines for the document requested.

All documents not in English or in the official language of the country where the visa application will beprocessed must be accompanied by a certified translation. Your translation must include a statement bythe translator which includes the following:
Translation is accurate
Translator is competent to translate

______5 - MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE:____________________________________
Please send a copy of this applicant's original marriage certificate or a copy of the certified marriagedocument.
Documents must be from the appropriate issuing government authority. Failure to provide the correctdocument will delay your case and may result in rescheduling of your interview, or refusal of a visa.
For many countries, the U.S. Department of State has established country-specific criteria for ensuringthat applicants submit documents appropriate for visa processing. Please go to http://nvc.state.gov/ todetermine if the U.S. Department of State has issued any country-specific guidelines for the requesteddocument.
All documents not in English, or the official language of the country where the visa application will beprocessed, must be accompanied by a certified translation. Your translation must include a statementsigned by the translator that states the following:
Translation is accurate
Translator is competent to translate

If the certificate is a certified copy of the original it must come from the issuing government authorityand it must contain annotation by the issuing government authority indicating that it is an extract fromthe official records. If the applicant's marriage record is unobtainable because records have beendestroyed or the appropriate government authority will not issue one, please obtain a certified statementfrom the appropriate government authority stating the reason your record is not available.
______10 - VIETNAM POLICE CERTIFICATE:_____________________________Required for immigrant visa applicants only.
For Vietnamese residents, non-Vietnamese residents, and foreigners currently residing in Vietnam:Requests for a “Justice of Record Check #2” (Phieu Ly Lich Tu Phap So 2”) must be made at theDepartment of Justice office located in the district where the applicant currently resides, or at theapplicant’s official residence. The official residence is registered in the “household registry” (Ho Khau)issued by the district police. The processing fee to request this document is 200.000VND per applicant,and the record check takes approximately 10 working days to complete. The applicant cannot grantauthority to someone else to request the “Justice Record Check” on his/her behalf.
The applicant should be prepared to present (2) sets of the following documents at the time of therequest:
• Completed application form (Form 03/TT-LLTP.) Please check the box in Justice Record

Check #2;

  • Applicant’s National Identification Card or passport;
  • Proof of residence location and length of time the applicant has resided in Vietnam, such asthe household registry book (Ho Khau), the temporary residence registry book, the permanent residencecard or a residence certification from the local People’s Committee.
    For foreigners who formerly resided in Vietnam and no longer reside in Vietnam
    Request for a “Justice Record Check #1” (Phieu Ly Lich Tu Phap So 1) must be made at the NationalCenter of Criminal Records – Vietnamese Ministry of Justice in Hanoi. Contact information is asfollows:
    National Center of Criminal Records
    Address: 58 – 60 Tran Phu Street, Ba Đinh District, Hanoi.Telephone: +84-4-62739718
    Fax: 04.62739359
    Email: cntt@moj.gov.vn
    The processing fee to request this document is 200.000VND per applicant, and the record check takesapproximately 10 working days to complete. If applicant cannot present himself/herself at the NationalCenter of Criminal Records, he/she can grant authority to someone else to apply on his/her behalf aslong as he/she provides a Letter of Attorney which is legalized/ authenticated by Vietnamese ConsulateGeneral or Vietnamese Embassy at the city of their current residence.
    Applicant should be prepared to present two (2) sets of the following documents at the time of therequest:
• Completed application form (Form 03/TT-LLTP.) if applicant can apply in person, orcompleted application form (Form 04/TT-LLTP) if applicant cannot apply in person and authorizessomeone else to apply on his/her behalf;

  • Applicant’s passport;
  • Proof of residence location and length of time applicant resided in Vietnam, such as his/herold entry-exit permit detailing the length of time applicant resided in Vietnam, the permanent residencecard, if any, or a residence certification from the local People’s Committee of applicant’s residence.
Hồ sơ của bạn hiện tại vẫn còn ở NVC, và đã bị Checklist.

Cần phải nộp bổ sung thêm các giấy tờ được liệt kê sau.
1/. Bảo trợ tài chính Form I-864.
2/. Giấy khai sinh của người nộp đơn.
3/. Giấy chứng nhận kết hôn.
4/. Lý lịch tư pháp số 2.
5/. Hộ chiếu của người nộp đơn.


Thành viên mới
Hồ sơ của bạn hiện tại vẫn còn ở NVC, và đã bị Checklist.

Cần phải nộp bổ sung thêm các giấy tờ được liệt kê sau.
1/. Bảo trợ tài chính Form I-864.
2/. Giấy khai sinh của người nộp đơn.
3/. Giấy chứng nhận kết hôn.
4/. Lý lịch tư pháp số 2.
5/. Hộ chiếu của người nộp đơn.
Tất cả các giấy tờ ở trên mình photo công chứng hay sau vậy chị, giấy khai sinh, và hộ chiếu là của người được bảo lãnh? hay là của người bảo lãnh. Hộ chiếu photo nộp đi hay sau vậy chị.


Ban điều hành
Cái bảo trợ tài chính form I-864. Mình cần điền vô trong đơn luôn. Hay chỉ cần Mình nộp có giấy báo thuế mình photo nộp vào. Làm cả 2 cái đó hay chỉ cần 1 trong 2 cái đó.
Bạn đã đọc kỹ đường link trên của Bác PhuongChau chưa. Bạn xem lại, có câu trả lời cho Bạn trong đó.
Bạn xem hướng dẫn ở đây:
Cái bảo trợ tài chính form I-864. Mình cần điền vô trong đơn luôn
Bạn điền vào, có chữ ký gốc của người bảo trợ tài chính là Bạn.
Cái bảo trợ tài chính form I-864. Mình cần điền vô trong đơn luôn. Hay chỉ cần Mình nộp có giấy báo thuế mình photo nộp vào. Làm cả 2 cái đó hay chỉ cần 1 trong 2 cái đó.
Cần phải nộp giấy thuế của các năm nữa.
Khi làm thì nhớ photo ra hai bản, một là để nộp cho NVC, hai là để gửi về cho người được bảo lãnh ở Việt Nam khi đi phỏng vấn thì mang theo.
Bạn cứ theo hướng dẫn ở đường link trên mà tập hợp giấy tờ cho đầy đủ và gửi một lần một cho NVC, tranh gửi lắc nhắc, và khi điền vào thì phải cẩn thận, tránh bị checklits thì mất thời gian.